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Jokes, Games & Silly Things

Cat washing for beginners

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Cat washing for beginners

 Posts: 13       Pages: 1/1

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OK cat lovers ~ here's a time saver tip for you!

How to wash a cat

1. Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl...

2. Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom.

3. In one smooth movement put the cat in the toilet and close the lid. You may need to stand on the lid.

4. At this point the cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this!

5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a 'Power-Wash' and 'Rinse'.

6. Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front

7. Stand well back, behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift the lid.

8. The cat will rocket out of the toilet, streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off.

9. Both the toilet and the cat will be sparkling clean.

Yours sincerely,

The Dog.

   Update Reply
Wills @ 15/06/2010 07:38  

hahaha... thats brilliant!

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Karey @ 15/06/2010 08:27  

Wow - a dog that can write funny stories! (You could be onto summat here, Wills)

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Deleted Member @ 15/06/2010 09:00  

I've seen this before but having a bad memory is great sometimes, the punchline still caught me out

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Sandi @ 15/06/2010 10:04  

lol wills thats funny (my cat drinks out of the toilet so this may be me half way there lol

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earthwind @ 15/06/2010 12:45  

Being a cat owner this might be of use to me LMAO

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skinnylady @ 15/06/2010 14:55  

That sounds like good advice. I once had a cat who got himself contaminated with creosote and I had to bath him. The result was water all over the kitchen and me well scratched, especially my shoulder which he used to haul himself out of the bowl.

Using the toilet would have avoided all of that and given it a much needed clean.

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Cataraptor @ 15/06/2010 17:32  

lol i like the way the toilet gets cleaned as well lots of secondry gain going on

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earthwind @ 15/06/2010 17:32  


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WillPool @ 15/06/2010 17:51  

LMAO .. nice wills Earth ... I have a cat like that & he rolls over to have his tummy tickled, loves being brushed & comes when you call him We have another, a kitten, who if you scrumple up a bit of paper and throw it for her she will go get it for you, really funny if its in the bin cos no matter how much you bury it under stuff she will dig it out. Our 3rd is just a big daftie !

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Deleted User @ 15/06/2010 19:42  

lol very nice thats a good one my cat likes to catch socks

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earthwind @ 15/06/2010 19:46  

i flushed three to four times,lifted lid,no cat!!!! sure saved on vets bills,lol

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lawson @ 22/06/2010 23:45  

now where are my cats hiding??? must have read

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willow @ 26/06/2010 17:57  

 Posts: 13       Pages: 1/1

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