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BikerMatch Reviews & Testimonies

What do people think of Biker Match?

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Our Member Testimonies & Reviews

Take a look below at what people really think about Biker Match.
Feel free to contact anyone below and ask about their experiences

TheSlasherChesterfield, 61
Only been on here for 2 months or so, always been the 'Lone Rider' and got really bored with it. Really wanted to get more involved with bikers and stumbled upon this site. I love that it is not purely a dating site, but a true virtual biker club and I have already met some great people, male and female and I am loving it. I also had some brilliant support off here from people in any questions I have had. The chatroom is a must now hehehehe and I can't wait for weather to get warmer and the rally season to start. I will get myself out there... so be warned.
Update... met my best friend and since 2016 my husband here within the first few months... the adventure started here..

Unfortunately in 2018 he died after a short illness and I don't know what I would have done without the friends I made on this site. I shall forever be grateful to the support I had and still have. Family is not always blood relations... you proved that
Marina 100Guildford, 64
Thank you to the Biker Match Team. Met my soul mate in October 23, we went to the NEC and hit it off straight away. Been a very happy bunny so far. Think this is the ONE!
Such a supportive and friendly site x
Moonchild13London, 52
We would like to share our success story.

4 years and 4 months ago Neil Collins (Sweep295) and myself Jeni Clarke (Moonchild13) met on Bikermatch and started talking, we met up on a couple of dates and looking back fell in love on our first meet up at Rykas Cafe in Box Hill, Surrey.

Life then got in the way, work, children etc but we carried on talking on the phone and WhatsApp. Supporting each other through some rough times.

In Autumn 2022 we decided to give it another go as we realised we still had feelings for each other (and always had) We met up again in July this year and have been together ever since! Very happy and planning our future together.
Thank you Biker Match!!

Best wishes
Neil and Jeni xx
BigGNorthampton, 59
I met my wife on Biker Match in April 2008. We eventually married in March 2017. She is my best friend, my rock, my soul mate. Thank you Biker Match keep up the great work!
LindsayLeeds, 58
A spur of the moment decision to join BM to basically replace a friendship circle I lost through a marriage breakdown. Perhaps the BEST thing I have EVER done!

Everyone is so lovely, great folk who enjoy a laugh, banter, beer n bikes (not necessarily in that order). I now have a brilliant circle of friends from near n far!

The past 9+ years have had plenty of ups n downs for me (in many respects) and I must say that the support I have had during this time from BM members has been absolutely fantastic, I couldn't have got through it without you.

Hats off to all those who lent an ear, a shoulder, comforting words and yes, sarky comments which lifted my spirits in quite dark times. It's been a blast and I think I can say I will never forget your kindness, concern, help and advice.

If you're reading this and thinking 'yeah right... whatever' my response would be try it, join in on a rideout/event/meet, use the forums and chat to members I'm sure you will find a really great bunch of like minded people who light up a dreary day with silly comments, sound advice or just plain good old fashioned friendship.
SandiHuddersfield, W Yorks, 66
I became a member back in September 2006, when BM was in its infancy.
I've met some lovely people at various BM events, none of them a member hahaha just kidding.

It's great to see BM still works for getting people together.

PixieRAlcester, 63
To Matt and the BM team,
2 years ago I joined BM hoping to find someone special, after chatting to several bikers I was messaged by Nardy397. I read his profile and to be honest his sporting achievements put me off but we arranged to meet up anyway. Covid struck and so we spent hours talking on the phone and when we did finally get to meet it was like I already knew him and we got on really well. We are now engaged and happily planning our lives together. I just wanted to let others know that you need to give people a chance even if something on their profile puts you off - they could be your future! Thanks again all.
shazTeaSouthport, 54
Hi , I joined BM 10 years ago when I lost a lot of biker friends through divorce ( my choice as I didn't want to hear about him all the time ) .. I met some great people who I am still friends with today , and my best friend ... I never found a partner though ...
I have joined again this week and hoping to meet lots of new friends for ride outs.. xxx

babyharleyNottingham, 68
Hi Matt and any of the early day BM members that may remember us!
My name is Babyharley, one of the early moderators and I met my now husband Franc via BM! We got married at the Manx TT on my birthday in August this year after 10 years together. We had a small family biker wedding with a TT wedding cake and I wore leather and lace - the Isle of Man did us proud! We ended our special day with a full lap of the TT mountain course on my hubby’s trusty Hyabusa - a special day to remember for sure Thank you BM we wouldn’t have met without you.
Triumph_SyNewtown, 59
I was an active member on BM about 12yrs ago (Arf) and have always had such fond memories of the good times that were had and the good folks I met along the way.
So much so that my personal life circumstances mean I am now able to return and am very happy about that!
The site layout is now very different of course, that's called progress, one thing I can see straight away that hasn't changed though is the spirit of BM, it still resonates with sound, loyal people with sound ideals and is a safe,, fun place to share stuff or simply hang out.
Respects to Matt and all the team for your tireless works behind the scenes over the years:)

Biker lovin BlondeGainsborough, 71
Hi Guys..
Can honestly say thanks to BM have met some great friends, attended a good few meets/events.. putting faces to names.. accepting another members generous hospitality.. and a good few bottles of wine... and meeting my soul mate.. i have now moved from up north, to live in a beautiful part of the country... life couldn't be better....
carriedeanCrewe, 69
HI to all BM members , I have been a member on here for a few years , been on a couple of events , and have met some nice people , I never did meet missis right so trying again , mind you I am a lazy bugger
Beth1962Angus, 62
Joined BM this yr I have made a great few friends I work hard all day and just to come home and chat ti people whose lives are different from mine is great and to have a few laughs on the way . They are a great crowd on here and one day I will catch up with you for real thank you BM for being here ??
DoryTTiffinBarnoldswick, 56
I joined BM November 2017 and I can honestly say it has helped me so much. Having had an awful 2 years the folks on here and the chat room helped pull me through some pretty dark times. This is a fantastic site for just making new friends or more if you want too. I have been very lucky to meet someone special on here who I know would never have met any other way. So join in the banter on the forums and in the chat rooms and try to get some events. Such a wonderful eclectic bunch of people, you are bound to make life long friends on here x
IntruderGabzTwickenham, 44
I just found this page and became a member straight away. I was looking for a page like this for quite long. It us fantastic! Finally I can find people who share the same passion.
Thanks Matt to made it happened:)
AMBER57Royston, 71
Hi Matt
i joined here, and i have none regrets, i met amazing Bikers , and i am glad to had the chance to meet some in person, even after my lousy english sometimes gets me into a muddle , still nice to be welcomed.
PAPPABEAR51Peterborough, 72
Hi thank you for the welcome Matt, the site seems to be very easy to follow been in the chat room with all the mad hatters hahahaah, and ive found the forum and other things, everyone is friendly and helpful , and made friends with a lovely lady albeit far away
thanks for your welcome

floydthebikerNear Skipton, 67
rejoined in October 2017, its a great place, almost like a bikers clubhouse full of good people who'll help you out with just about anything!! Its not just about dating, anyone can join in the melee of the sometimes bonkers chatroom or check out the list of events of which i've managed 2 so far.......... the forums are interesting too!! And it just keeps improving, brilliant!!
Serenhondacbr splodgeBurry Port, 51
I became a member june 2017. Must say my life has got a lot brighter with the banter in the chatroom. Now to find a ride. Great site and glad i joined. Met some great folk and looking forward to some good events in the future
rockchickeeliciousNewcastle, 53
After a disastrous and mortally embarrassing three days on another site I came here after my daughter nudged me in the right direction by clicking the link!
~ Two weeks now and my life has changed beyond comprehension... I am passionately waxing lyrical about Biker Match to anyone who will listen!

Please don't ever think that the last "kicked in the ass by life" moment is the end.. because there are new bright.. beautiful.. wickedly lush beginnings here on Biker Match...

~ Thank you to ALL my new friends... You ROCK!!
Brummie JackieHobbit hq, 58
Thanks to BM i have found some fantastic friends who i know will be with me forever and even that special someone :)
HolmfirthgirlLarkfield, 60
well I've been on the site since June 2007! It's my online Bike & Social club & I've met LOADS of great mates & had some really good ride outs, weekends away, weeks away etc with peeps on here I absolutely adore it & feel very priviledged to be a part of such a great team.

I also met my other half through a BM weekend away in March 2010 & March this year I moved in with him, moving down from Holmfirth to Hobbit country & am now an honourary Hobbit!...... they talk funny down here though, so am trying to instill the Lancashire/Yorkshire dialect in may take some time!

Spesh on the other hand wonders what's hit him !
MazzaCrediton, 69
Great site I am enjoying it immensely. Always look forward to chatting every night. Met a couple of people and they were great fun look forward to meeting many more :-D
56SteveBridgwater, 65
I have Only been on the site since August and found it to be a good place to meet bikers online and become friends.
I have had no dating success as of yet but i have spoken to some very nice ladies and had some promising conversations that have led to us becoming online friends.

I have had some helpful and interesting responses to some of my forum posts (appreciated).I have found that some of the conversations i have had in some
forums have been an excellent way to meet and become friends.

I would like to meet in person the friends i have made online at sometime in the very near future and hope that this will become possible. 'Biker Match' is a good community of bikers and such and has both inspired me and delighted me at times.

On the whole i have enjoyed my short time on this site and belonging to this community and long may it continue. Ride safe, Steve.
BlackberryWarrington, 63
Brilliant site and one where you actually get to meet folk instead of chinwagging 'virtually' forever and a day.

Not enough weeks in the year to fit in all the events and I don't even ride a bike!!! Friendliest bunch of people I've ever met :)
Cruiser galTamworth, 68
Well another member off here told me about this site and so glad he did, thanks elninja. I did wonder whether I should pay to join but certainly glad I have. I haven't found my soul mate but I have made some lovely new friends all with a common interest. I am on a couple of other sites but this one has certainly proved to be the best. I was going to list all the people I have met but after Sundays meet up as well I was afraid I would miss someone out.
Nutkin68Hull, 56
I found BM by accident in October 2007, after almost a year of wondering what to do with myself on an evening. I paid my subs and haven't looked back.

I've made some wonderful friends that will be there for life, amongst those SV Shell - we knew each other from school and hadn't seen each other for 25 years - and the first person to contact me Lone Rider (Bruce) from down South, turns out I worked with his dad 15 years ago , small small world... we are still in touch too.

I can't see me ever leaving BM, besides I still need to meet my nutty squirrel mate and steal his nuts...
CoolGroovyShepton Mallet, 64
Just want to let the world know of Biker Match and what a wonderful site it is. 1 year 1 month and 27 days ago i met a wonderful gorgeous man called BikerBurt, since that day we have not looked back. Sept 11 2011 he got on one knee and proposed to me and of course i said yes, we are a match made on bikermatch and we just would like to let the world know how happy we are. Thank-you BikerMatch it wouldnt of happened without you, love to all it can be a cool world out there xxxx
Pilly tartWolverhampton, 50
This site is ACE .... I have only been on here properly a few months and already I have had very nice people use their time and petrol to come to my house to help with broken bikes x2, got great advise about bikes, had many funny nights in the chat room, met great people in pub and on the rideout, been offered pilly seats.

It is good to know there still are good people out there and the added bonus of that is, they are bikers.

Some things in Britain still are great.
missmeNorth West, 59
I joined BM in Oct 11 with the intention of meeting new folk to socialise with....then in January a message from another member has changed my life :-) TRUMPETRIDER totally captivated me. We messaged for about 4 weeks then very nervously met up......At 46 years old i have fallen in love for the first time :-) .....first by mind, then by body and now by soul............I did not join with the intention to find a partner, but fate dealt her cards...........:-)
I am so happy x x x
stunthazeNorwich, 59
Cannot thank you enough i joined biker match in 2011 and was lucky enough to find my soul partner (ducbitch)! 4 years on and we have now been married a year. i would never have found my wife without your help thank you from the bottom of my heart. To everyone on here believe because your soul partner could be one click away!!!! biker match you are fantastic!!
Spiritrider21Darlington, 70
Hi Everyone,
I've been a member a while and met a couple of nice people. Had a few ride outs etc then I met her !! A blind ride out to Hawes and several BM meets after that and I was hooked. We chatted on BM in February and met in March and now we are planning our wedding in April.

BM is a great social network - I'd just ask people not to abuse it. There are many out there who are hurting and vulnerable - don't hurt them and dont trash people cos you got a bit upset.

BM is a great site but can only be as good as its members. Take care of each other.
scatty ladyMaidstone, 61
Just wanted to say a big 'THANK YOU' to Biker Match for helping me to find the man of my dreams.

I had only been on the site for a few weeks and started chatting to another biker. After 3 weeks of messages back and forth we decided to meet for a coffee, and since then there has been no looking back for us.

We are doing a few rallies this yr together and also going for a weeks holiday to cornwall.

Hey this site does work THANKS BIKER MATCH!!!
SPWeston Super Mare, 68
Fantastic site... Welcomed me with open arms after the sudden death of my wife. Everyone's friendly and I've met one special lady, PONY123, which has blossomed from friendship into romance. Can't wait to tie the knot with you pony.
coachpetePontypridd, 64
After a separation from the woman I had been married to for 26 years some what sceptical of internet match sites, but being 49 years old and not really one to go down the pub, and also having a really busy life I kind of felt it was worth a go or stay single the rest of my life.

As I am passionate about bikes I thought I'd search for a site that was bike biased, and I found bikermatch. I registered, which was easy and cheap(!) to have a look through the site. First off I was impressed with the social element, for example if you want to meet others to ride or just chat bikes with that's also fine.

After just a couple of months I contacted someone who caught my eye, as luck would have it we hit it off and we started to see each other, and still are.

The truth is I haven't been this happy for a long time. I've found someone who enjoys my passion for bikes and happens to like me too.

So after my initial scepticism I can only admit internet sites work and if you like bikes then bikermatch is defiantly worth giving a go. Trust me there is someone out there and this site helps you meet them.

Thank you all at bikermatch, you made me a happy man.
bikerbitchDenbigh/leigh, 68
Well, as most of you are aware, I joined this site purely for Business/profressional reasons, it being a bike related site.

Then,I started to go to some of BM Events, and was surpised by the friendlness of most BM'rs, the out come, I have made some nice friends, had some damm good nights out, and earned business through the site, I will remain a member if only for the cracking company, and good nights out, BB
missvondarknessWestoN-SupeR-Mare, 52
Joined BikerMatch in September 2009, met a couple of members and now found my soul mate Badger59.

Great site helped me make new friends, male and female - geordielass, violetinferno, yam-man and dunans to name a few met at events this year.

Brilliant site, chat room is fun and forums informative as well as amusing. One very satisfied Miss x

Badger59 has proposed!!
Thank you BikerMatch - without this site I never would of found my future hubby x
SkutarosRhyl Denbighshire, 73
I'm Steve and I'm comletely new on this site, and already I have talked to some really nice people in the chat room, quite funny, all really great people.

I'm quite sure I will get to know more as I go along, I've yet to go to my first event. I think this is a great site and I hope to meet a nice lady to share days out with.
ChrisxxxBacup, 59
First site you actually get a prompt answer to any problem. Very good communications and feedback - you can't ask for more!!!
You will find the true biker spirit is alive and kicking HERE at BikerMatch!
vmaxdegColeshill, 61
I like this site a lot, it's very good and the people are extremely friendly and chatty. I would like to say thank you to BM for helping me meet kate5930. We are getting on very well, and without BikerMatch we wouldn't have met. Thanks guys.
tractordriverPontyridd, 63
I just want to say that I've met a wonderful lady on this site after fruitless searches on other similar sites. We met up 2 weeks ago after 3 months of chatting and it was instant attraction for both of us. Thanks BikerMatch, you've brought happiness into my life after 5 years of being on my own.
Kate5930Birmingham, 60
Fantastic site. A good laugh and banter. Met vmax-deg and been seeing each other for a whole month now! Thanks BM x
IstaqaCoventry, 56
Since joining Bikermatch, we have met some really nice people, but more than that we have met our lifelong partners and soulmates. It is great to have a place where you can meet genuine people to talk to online and to meet up with from all around this country and abroad. Having tried other dating and biker sites, this one gets the right combination for everyone, from people just wanting to discuss bikes and the biking lifestyle to those looking for friends and more. Like we said, the bonus is meeting someone to ride the road of life together as one.
So to Matt a big thankyou - keep up the good work!
From Istaqa & Witchs_Promise
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