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Newbies Forum

New Members Say 'Hi' Here

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New Members Say 'Hi' Here

 Posts: 11,906       Pages: 591/596

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Welcome to BM buzz. There are some of us in the South, although some are more south than others😂

I was down your way at Hadleigh Castle with my daughter last summer

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Strom67 @ 22/01/2024 05:53  

Hi All. Hope everyone is keeping well. Newbie here but no bike (yet!) unfortunately. Go to bike shows when I can. Did my CBT a few years ago. Going to wait until I move and have a garage to use before investing in one. Far too many 'tea leaves' around!

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DivineLEE Guided @ 24/01/2024 17:46  

Welcome to the newbies.

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Oggy @ 24/01/2024 19:02  

Any biker in West London interested in going to Dashwood Roadhouse (Old Oxford Rd, Piddington, High Wycombe HP14 3BH) together on a weekend?

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Babak @ 27/01/2024 13:30  

Hello all,
New member who was a scooterist with a proper scooter and not the new auto🤣 now looking at getting a motorbike before summer. Looking for a relationship with the right woman. So joined this site as im gonna be a biker lol. Say hi please and dont judge me for being in the scooter scene 🤣 i did go to the bulldog bash and it was far more civilized than a scooter rally 🤣 and the women were prettier lol. Say hi please. I live in stratford on avon

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Rattyc5 @ 09/02/2024 15:57  

Welcome to all new members few things on the calendar for this year so why not put your name down and come and meet some of us in person.

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JP @ 10/02/2024 14:33  

Hi All, just joined hoping to see what's going on around the Fylde coast , North West England and chat/ meet Some decent people

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paulstu @ 13/02/2024 18:25  

Hello good evening to all,

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Deleted Member @ 15/02/2024 18:03  

Hi all, Andy, 39, rode motorbikes since i was 6, went through mtb, to mx, then moved to road bikes when i was 21.
Owned a vast array of bikes and currently riding an R1. Love to pull them apart and modify too.
Good weather only/weekend warrior type.
If anyone gets to squires let me know im a regular there april through september so it would be great to say hi.

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Deleted Member @ 15/02/2024 22:18  

I’m new here just figuring out the site just wanted to hop on and say hello to you all 😘

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Jemacw @ 17/02/2024 12:42  

Hello & welcome to all the newbies.

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Oggy @ 17/02/2024 16:06  

Hi , new member here from Cambs. Ride a 1200 Bandit .
Still trying to work out how this site works but Ill get there ...

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spen13 @ 21/02/2024 10:47  

Welcome to the site Spen13, another Cambs member.

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Oggy @ 22/02/2024 08:30  

Welcome to BM Spen13. The first thing on the events calendar local to Cambs is the 'Beach Ride Out' on the 25th April, swiftly followed by a long weekend in County Durham for 'May Be Easter' if you fancy travelling north with us 👍

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Strom67 @ 22/02/2024 09:31  

Thankyou for the welcome chaps . Still getting my head round the app but will definately look at the events mentioned 👍

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spen13 @ 22/02/2024 21:50  

Hi everyone, just joined the site today. Nice to meet you all

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gazza2457 @ 25/02/2024 16:24  

ow doo all ....tis I again 😁

I'm not a newbie but I've been away a while 👋

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soozie @ 29/02/2024 19:41  

Welcome back soozie 👏

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Strom67 @ 29/02/2024 20:35  

thanks Strom 😁✨


Welcome back soozie 👏...

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soozie @ 29/02/2024 20:43  

Hi All from deepest south west. Looks like a friendly varied group. Hope I can meet a few folks this summer.
Into travelling, will be doing some tet this year too.

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Ibb0 @ 01/03/2024 13:06  

 Posts: 11,906       Pages: 591/596

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