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Motorcycle Events & Rides Out

Wiltshire Weekend Camp July 15th-29th

Wiltshire Weekend Camp July 15th-29th - Forums [Biker Match] Wiltshire Weekend Camp July 15th-29th - Forums [Biker Match]
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Wiltshire Weekend Camp July 15th-29th

 Posts: 47       Pages: 1/3

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Who would be interested in a weekend camp at The Barge Inn, Honeystreet, Wiltshire over the last weekend of July 25th-29th ?.
This weekend also coincides with the Calne bike show on the Saturday 27th which is a short ride away (15-20 miles).
I believe the pitch price at The Barge Inn is £12.50 per person per night, i will be enquiring for more details.

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DAVE VM @ 18/02/2024 13:27  

I really wanted to go to this this year.
However I'll be at a mate's 60th birthday piss up weekend in Devon.

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Ragnar @ 18/02/2024 14:02  

Yes Dave me and JP will join you as long as it doesn't clash with anything else 👍

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Fink @ 18/02/2024 14:03  

You can count me in Dave! As long as i can get a dog minder to look after the two terrorists!

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Roughrider02 @ 18/02/2024 15:09  

I might be tempted, despite the near terminal mildew I caught last year.

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Steve_H @ 18/02/2024 20:21  

Yeah it was a bit damp 🌧 last year wasn't it Steve !!

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DAVE VM @ 18/02/2024 23:11  

Is there an issue with the dates or is the title a misnomer Dave?

Do they save any b and b rooms for your group or is it pot luck?

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Strom67 @ 19/02/2024 06:29  

I have been volunteered to attend

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JP @ 19/02/2024 07:20  

Ooopsie a slight administrative error with the title dates🤦. It should read 25th-29th July. That's what comes of attempting to stab the keys faster than my ability allows then not realising 🤪.

@Strom67. The Barge Inn does have 3 B&B rooms check them out at

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DAVE VM @ 19/02/2024 08:15  

Doesn't matter , I'm already booked for that weekend 🙄

Thank you anyway

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Strom67 @ 19/02/2024 09:13  

Count me in.

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Vladamir @ 20/02/2024 10:48  

This event is now on the Events Calendar 25th-29th July
I did double check the dates this time before i posted it !!!.

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DAVE VM @ 20/02/2024 12:32  

put me down as a possible . That far down I'd take a week off work . do some exploring too.

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EMDEE @ 20/02/2024 13:57  

Oh bugger, we can not make it that weekend, Nieces Wedding

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Brummie Jackie @ 22/02/2024 10:23  

Oh goody, that means we can use "That Word" without fear of retribution... 😊


Oh bugger, we can not make it that weekend, Nieces Wedding...

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Steve_H @ 22/02/2024 19:45  

Somehow me thinks BJ will still find out and you will end up on the naughty step 😬

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Strom67 @ 22/02/2024 19:51  

Yes BJ will have a cuntstuble patroling the site taking down particulars.

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JP @ 25/02/2024 07:20  

Now you've done it JP... Is there a naughty step for life award🤔

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Strom67 @ 25/02/2024 08:13  

Old Un, Steve and Strom i can always find a naughty step for you!!!

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Brummie Jackie @ 28/02/2024 11:57  

Strom I have my own naughty step it resembles Nelsons column

   Update Reply
JP @ 28/02/2024 17:58  

 Posts: 47       Pages: 1/3

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