I had a cracking time at the Lower Lode thing but realised I've been a lazy arse this last couple of years and organised nowt up here in the grim, dark north.
So next year has gotta be different but first I want to test the water with you bunch of reprobates.
How about a spring weekend camp at Dent (Cumbria technically but near to Hawes). Dent is a sweet little village; cobbled mainstreet, two good pubs (and real ales from the local brewery), nice cafe, B&Bs for those who want and a really good campsite. The nearby riding is rightly famously glorious and not much traffic. I'm thinking early April so as to not clash with...
Easter. I haven't decided yet but possibly Wooler (Northumberland), Portpatrick or Moffat (both southern Scotland). Most likely a B&B event but I usually pick places with a campsite for those that would rather camp. Good roads? Oh yes.
Summer in Scotland. This will be a week do because of the distances involved. Previously we have stayed at Fort Augustus which is centrally placed for all the good bits. Absolutely sublime riding of course in most directions. Day rides out usually 150 to 200 miles. Dates to be decided but anywhere from May to July.
We could also easily fit a camp in up by Hadrians Wall, there is a good one near the Twice Brewed Inn. The riding? Keilder and Northumberland, what more do I need to say.
Ireland. It's a couple of years since I lasted visited the south west of the land of the bogs and the little people. It's a marvelous place but as it's not in the north I'll leave that for someone else to organise :-)
Mister Pete - Optimi In: Burntwood
Posts: 120
Will def be keeping an eye on this - been to a couple of events that you have organised and they were great - Dent exactly as described and roads in Scotland were awesome (well until the bike got trashed anyway) lol - so as normal with me if weather is not too bad I shall more than likely to be there
Hi steve hope your doing well mate , not seen you in ages , last time was camping weekend at fort with dusty and co , was a great weekend , but to answer the question if i have 2 wheels im up for all of the above
Both of us now have to book holibobs and mine will be easier to pick than his, but if we can make any Scotty meets we will - even if not the full week/end. Hardly ridden much this year nor done anything BM'y for folk up here so maybe a wee spur for me too.
It'll be good to see you again Izzy. I'll be starting a separate thread for each event, Scotland will be first to give folks lots o time to arrange things.
I see the Scotland event is in the, err, events page. So put your names down if your interested. Hopefully one of the admins will add a link to this thread soon to save all the scrolling through the months.