Inflating spiders Shell, my typing! - hate to think where you place the nozzel Meant to say they are inflated ie bloody big.
I use wurth products for the bike already so will look in this - thanks to everyone with the tips
I use fairy liquid, wash the splatted bugs off the outside with it, then leave a VERY light smear of clean stuff on the inside,.. too much and you wont not make out the changes in the road surface or other vital little things, especially heading into the sun or at night.
I got some of that,.. err, 'Bob Heath Visor Wipe' stuff is it?,.. white aerosol thing with a red lid,. and the only thing thats good for is keeping the condensation off the inside of the playstation cab windows,.. it wouldn't work on either of my road lids!!! Found out it does a fair job on queen wasps though!
Paj1369 funny how some things have a habit of that - rubbish for what they are meant to do but work wonders on something else - bad news for the queen wasp .
I used a little fairy & lemon juice at the weekend, I had to try to keep up with sport bikes on a twisty road so there was some rapid breathing going on, the inside of my visor didn't steam up - the conditions where dry but it did make a difference I think
I will be taking lemon juice with us to squires this weekend ... if the walter that my cat was stalking this weekend is anything to go by they will be HUGE!
I will let you have some if you protect me from whatever is being planned Katie !
There's a couple of ways of stopping the bugs getting splatted wheely,.. either don't go over 60, (very boring), or get a bigger fairing! Failing that, the fairy liquid option again,.. they wipe off much easier with it, but the slightest bit of rain will remove it. I used to use it on both the inside and outside of me off-road goggles, took a bit of getting the mix right but it did work.
gotta concur with the fairy.. works a treat.. do it every ride... though a pinlock is the best solution by a long way..
i love spiders.. ... send em my way..
The frank thomas stuff works for a while and is handy in pocket size just nick a seviette from Mc D's to apply it and sort your screen angle and most of the bugs go over your lid But SPIDERS oooh theres no way of avoiding them had one hanging onto the mirror at over 70