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General Chat/Anything Goes

Best bike

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Best bike

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Sorry Ian but it's still got to be a Fireblade it will do all of that and more

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Bikeabill @ 06/12/2011 22:17  

BJP1960, please disabled CAPS LOCK on your computer. Everything you enter is in CAPS (your username, location, descriptions in your profile, forum posts etc).

It's very bad internet etiquette and IS CONSIDERED SHOUTING (see what I mean )

Thanking you!

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Matt @ 06/12/2011 22:41  

My Ultimate Lushness.. indeed tis Lushness Personified is.... Kawasaki Vulcan with Cobra Exhausts

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rockchickeelicious @ 06/12/2011 22:50  

Sounds like a girls bike

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Bikeabill @ 07/12/2011 03:17  

Ehmmmmm... go check it out.. nothing at all like a girly bike.. and it's not pink... It's 1500cc of awesome kickass purring lushness.. and I'll need the body of a large man to ride it ;)

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rockchickeelicious @ 07/12/2011 08:17  

David, re 40s Camp.. This is organised by the little village pub which is actually owned by the was going bust so they got together an bought it! Runs as a co operative now and is all the better for it. The pub has a mill next door and the watercourse runs behind the pub gardens, there a bridge across to the camping/events field behind. Nice location/setting therefore. Event will have music/dance bands to a 40s theme ,jazz et et. Plenty of food an drink as pub has its own brewery on site! Other bike clubs in attendance an loads of veteran bikes n cars too. We have use of field al lweek foc if we want it so if anyone coming a long camping! (be polite to use pub fer a meal or two tho). Should be lotta lotta fun, oh did mention pole dancing....

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rossoandy21 @ 07/12/2011 08:23  

Honda CB100N. Silver.

Sold to me brand new for £370.71 on 24th October 1980 by Mike Hailwood. Hailwood & Gould, Tyburn Road, Erdington.

Plus a Nolan Helmet for £44, a pair of leather gloves for £8.64 and a top box (!) for £26.08. Plus £6 for road tax, £15 PDI, £15 delivery.

My first bike.


And I've still got the invoice.

Was a blinkin' $~d to kick start though.

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lawnmower @ 07/12/2011 23:37  

Just fell deeeeeeeeeply in love with a minxy Triumph America.. I feel a passionate affair in the future...

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rockchickeelicious @ 08/12/2011 00:17  

Best bike ever made..... hmmm depends in what genre, i.e. road, off road, racing, touring, whatever.

Best race bike ever made for me is the RC30 or NSR500. Best touring probably the Pan European, best road/track bike SRAD750.

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DriftnSlide @ 08/12/2011 03:39  

good choices drift n you say depends on genre... for world impact I reckon the Honda C50 series or the CB750 four takes some beating tho... as a showcase the Honda NSR or CBX? And for sweetness a CB400f....or VF400 even.... hmm gettin worried they all Hondas !

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rossoandy21 @ 08/12/2011 08:40  

A Spondon frame, Hayabusa engine, bored out to 1400cc with a turbo. A good wheelie/hooligan bike.

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Deleted Member @ 09/12/2011 00:54  

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