Not sure if this is what you mean Cat and related ? Or if I'm barking up the wrong tree and not understanding the site structure 🤔
what I have found, is when you go to all forums. At the top is categories. If you click that, most are green (I think means visible related threads) while some are red ( not visible threads)
If you then click all (to highlight green) all subject related threads appear. I thought, clicking all forums, would highlight every category instantly and straight away🤔
Unless it's something in my personal settings ?
I found this out once, when I posted something. when I returned later, to check for any comments and replies, my thread was not there 🤔🤔
Until I clicked all (categories) green highlight for all and hey presto, my thread was visible 🤔
Catkins, I've just tried to start a new topic and I'm using my mobile phone, I had the same problem as you, not all forums showing. Rotate the phone and the screen shows ALL forums. ☺️
I've just had a go and I can only see 7 heading options in the "create new topic" area and when I turn phone to landscape I get 8!! And when I then go further to add a thread under one of these visible headings it gives me no option to actually upload it...........
It's as if the bottom half of screen is cut off....... I'm always on mobile, not got laptop....
Well chuffing heck, MATT!!! Help please. Summats not reight tha knows. LOL. Catkins' and Suzi's mobile sound more useless than mine. We should start a club for victims of useless mobiles 😂
I know and actually thinking about it I'm gonna message matt coz I've paid for something I ain't getting....... Typical brit just putting up with it....... 😂 😂 I've messaged Mr boss man so hopefully will be resolved finally 😊