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Use internet explorer on Biker Match

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Use internet explorer on Biker Match

 Posts: 14       Pages: 1/1

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Where possible, please use internet explorer on Biker Match. It gives a better experience and offers more features than the other browsers. For those of you who think IE is not secure, you're wrong! IE8 is the most secure browser available. Here's one document which shows this... You're more likely to get a virus using Safari on a Mac than you are using IE8 on a PC. Download IE8 to upgrade your security, performance and experience online... Thanks

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Matt @ 18/01/2010 17:41  

So how much will we be missing out on if we continue to use another browser such as Mozilla.

I tried IE8 but it just kept crashing and running really slow, so I went back to Mozzilla.

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Deleted User @ 18/01/2010 17:55  

As a Mac user I haven't even the option of using Internet Explorer and instead have Safari as standard and Firefox now installed. The latter has given me few problems. Besides I like to use Microsoft's products as little as possible so I won't be making any efforts to use IE.

So, as Fraglette asked, how much will those of us not using IE8 miss out?

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Cataraptor @ 18/01/2010 18:00  

the new email system will work better for you, faster for sure with all the Ajax. I've not tested it in other browsers to be honest. The events photos section doesn't work in anything other than IE - the tagging doesn't work so i had to send all non-IE users over to the old events photos section. Gonna redesign that bit though. Plus - security! IE8 is better lol

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Matt @ 18/01/2010 18:04  

You used to be able to get IE for Macs, until Microsoft spat the dummy when Mac started their own Safari browser.

I went over to Firefox on a PC about 5 years ago. I prefer it to both IE and Safari... We won't even mention Netscape!

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Wannabe @ 18/01/2010 18:19  

what about IE for mobiles ... is that supported Matt ??? *** yeah I know the inner geek in me its from being with Mr P for a total of almost 3 years ... windows mobile 6.5 here ***

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Deleted User @ 18/01/2010 18:21  

reading that lot has just confused me big style

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drobess @ 18/01/2010 19:07  

i use IE do i get a gold star boss ?lol

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WheelyNealy @ 18/01/2010 19:51  

lol nealy, well done mate. There's too many anti-Microsoft people out there who have no reason to hate Microsoft other than their mate told them to. Shell, I've no idea about phones. It's probably not a fully-packed version of IE though. Drob, the document I linked to basically shows that the new IE is far more secure at stopping drive-by viruses (Those that are embedded in websites) and phishing scams (Websites made to look like other sites to get your details). Some browsers, like Safari, barely stop any. I use IE8 and it's a million times faster than any other browser. Firefox is the slowest to start up on my (high spec) PC. Firefox also doesn't display things correctly (doesn't do as it's told when I specify certain colours and formats in the HTML). Google Chrome and Internet Explorer both get it right, so I don't know why Firefox makes a hash of it. IE opens in less that 1 second on my PC, Chrome too, firefox takes about 6 seconds for the first load!

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Matt @ 18/01/2010 21:25  

My washing machine takes about 1 1/2 hrs to do a load Matt - can you speed that up too ???

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46Rossi @ 19/01/2010 02:06  

A highly unscientific test just now had IE8 taking 15 seconds to load, Firefox about three or four and Chrome about one. The Electrolux in the kitchen takes 77 minutes - not really good enough for a graphics-heavy workload. (that's removing ink from kids' clothes, btw)

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Wills @ 19/01/2010 08:38  

Why are men obsessed with speed lol

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Brummie Jackie @ 19/01/2010 21:50  

Bluegh, IE8 is horrible and bloaty. I'll stick with my google chrome thanks!

oh, and you're not more likely to get a virus using Safari on a Mac, mainly because the number of Mac Virus' out there total about 8, the majority of which aren't really viruses, just sneaky trojans. :p

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Deleted Member @ 19/01/2010 23:01  

I updated and downloaded IE8 and encountered major problems so much so that my PC crashed. I have had it repaired now at a cost! and apparently there have been many many people that this has happend to by updating. He has taken off the facility for me to recieve updates and told me not to unless there were major changes. I had a nasty virus too and the man who knows said its was caused by the update. He has now loaded firefox which i dont particularly like ( its too big for my screen ) like looking through a magnifying glass. Its made me look massive in my profile piccy.....nowt to do with Xmas!

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moonstone @ 20/01/2010 12:55  

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