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Event: 12th Barnstormer Rally

Biker Rallies/Festivals, Hinderwell

Event - 12th Barnstormer Rally [Biker Rallies/Festivals] 15/06/2023 [Biker Match] Event - 12th Barnstormer Rally [Biker Rallies/Festivals] 15/06/2023 [Biker Match]

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12th Barnstormer Rally

12th Barnstormer Rally

Biker Rallies/Festivals
The Show Ground Runswick Lane, Hinderwell, North Yorkshire, TS13 5HP
15 June 2023
18 June 2023
(4 days)
15 June 2023 - 18 June 2023 (4 days)
: Weekend
: 2 (0)
: 0

Estonians MCC's Barnstormer Rally.

Traditional marquee Rally with 3 nights camping. Disco Thurs, bands & disco Fri & Sat. Great catering onsite. Late/cheap bar. Tattooist & other stalls, awards, and the usual rally shenanigans. On great new site on N Yorks coastline @ Hinderwell.

Prebook: £20. OTG: £25. 350 limit. Under 15s free
All 4 wheeled vehicles £10.
Cheques/PO made payable to: Estonians MCC. 12 Flora Street, Middlesbrough, TS6 9QP. (Bank Transfer avbl email for more info)

Tel Biff 7533204101 ./ Jade 07557903325 / ju ju 01642289153 / mark 07928428322


Submitted by: izzyhill

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Attendance List

izzyhillHamilton, 65

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Event Location

The Show Ground Runswick Lane, Hinderwell, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, TS13 5HP

Google map & directions to 12th Barnstormer Rally
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