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BM Website Issues/Help Requests

adult content

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adult content

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Hi Mat,
I was talking to one of the members today and there's been some grumblings about the content of the conversations in the chat room which have been of an adult/double entendre/inuendo nature.
Personally I have no issue with this, but there are some people of a more sensitive nature on the site, and the conversations can be followed without entering chat.
So my question is this, is it possible to have a chat room were those of broadminded disposition can entertain themselves with out causing offense to others?
Ie you can only see what being said by enetering the chat room and there is a warning before you do so!

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IanT1966 @ 27/10/2011 00:02  

Spoil sport Ian i quite liked reading it the other night

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Bikeabill @ 27/10/2011 00:30  

I agree Bill. These type of conversations only seem to go on late in the night, and unless you are actually in the chatroom you can use the rest of the site without even looking at it. Usually, by the time the people who are in these conversations have finished saying goodnight to each other, there's nothing remotely offensive left on the visible board. I found it quite sad and unneccessary that someone felt she had to apologise recently for using the chat in such a way, but to me it's just a bit of raucus late night fun. (mucky wench, lol) Love, ..Benny Hill

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Weirdoraptor @ 27/10/2011 03:48  

I dont go in chat so Im not that bothered what thay talk about, I do remember a year or so back there were a lot of complaints about some members in there.

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JP @ 27/10/2011 08:12  

It gonna be like Mary Whitehouse again, come on, you don't have to look at it if you don't want to, you see far worse on TV or in the papers, but then again....... But I am thick skinned ..or maybe just thick lol....but as as long as it isn't back stabbing personal attacks or perverted in nature I for one don't care.....

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Deleted Member @ 27/10/2011 10:13  

Well my tuppeny worth is that even though there is a quite a bit of harmless innuendo in chat i think it would put some people off going in there that prefer a normal? conversation, but i can't see Matt making an additional room for Adults only lol and unless there is a general outcry against the type of chat then surely it can go on as ever, it's not a recent thing after all, taking into consideration that LF is All Time BM Top Smut Monkey, more letters after your name now Kaz.

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Deleted Member @ 27/10/2011 11:48  

Let the Chat Room Moderators do their job. They know where the line is. It is an 'average' line. The more sensitive may want it moved to the left; the more 'hardcore' may want it moved to the right. You can't please everybody all of the time. There is always the 'notify mod' button if you think the line has been crossed.

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Deleted Member @ 27/10/2011 12:03  

But then it is so easy to take text out of context XK.. Plus if you say it is an average line who is to say its been crossed lol.I think we are all mature enough to know who we can say what to by now.

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Deleted Member @ 27/10/2011 12:05  

Yeh, yr right Markie, it is all so easy to take text the wrong way. Which is why every effort should be made to attend events and meet peeps face to face. Then u get to know them better. It is for the mods to say if the line has been crossed - a difficult and thankless task. Some are more mature than others. Some are just over-sensitive, or have very high morals (too high, maybe?)

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Deleted Member @ 27/10/2011 12:33  

And if you really feel you have to be smutty with someone and NOT give out your email address for other forms of digital communication, you can always whisper!

As XK says there is always the "notify mod" button, that's what it's there for!

If you are easily offended then admittedly you cannot ignore what is being said as it is at the top of the page, but you can choose not to read it

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feistygirl @ 27/10/2011 12:51  

Can I talk 'dirty' to u, Feisty? "Malteezers"!

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Deleted Member @ 27/10/2011 13:05  

nothing is gonna change. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you want to talk REALLY smutty (and both parties agree) then do it via whispers. Simples. If anyone thinks the "line" has been crossed, then please notifiy mods who are the ones that can make a decision. The system works perfectly fine as it is, no need for change.

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Matt @ 31/10/2011 10:25  

Sorry Matt only did it really to get it out in the open, got the response I expected!!!

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IanT1966 @ 31/10/2011 21:46  

You would get arrested if you got it out in the open!

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Deleted Member @ 31/10/2011 22:31  

Each to their own,
personally like JP I don't go in chat,
But can't help but ask,

What are "wispers" in this context?
Am I missing a button here?

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oldyeti @ 31/10/2011 22:44  

There's a facility in chat that allows you to speak to a specific person. You just click on 'whisper' and select the person you wish to 'whisper' to. Can be funny though when you think you're whispering and you've sent the message to the 'room'!

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Blackberry @ 31/10/2011 22:46  

heck even i did't know we had a whisper mode

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Bikeabill @ 31/10/2011 22:52  

lol lol bb mmm u have done it to then lol lolo l

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kaycat @ 01/11/2011 15:00  

Kay ... I think we all have at some point

Its even funnier when the whisper goes to the wrong person ... or it can be

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Deleted User @ 01/11/2011 19:42  

It's funny when you whisper and the reply goes live No-one has a clue what's going on!!

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Alice2 @ 01/11/2011 19:49  

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