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Newbies Forum

Oh dear she's back..

Oh dear she's back.. - Forums [Biker Match] Oh dear she's back.. - Forums [Biker Match]
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Oh dear she's back..

 Posts: 13       Pages: 1/1

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The mad red head is back once more.. ive gotten rid of the ball and chain and moved twice since i was last here ( i really hate moving house now) but I'm here to stay for a while and living 2 miles away from sherburn in elmet :) i get to drool at bikes going past my window all day hehe perhaps when ive found myself a job again i can crack on with getting my test done lol

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ScarletKiss @ 11/05/2008 17:02  

hi scarlett and welcome back,dont really know you but hello lol

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katydevil @ 11/05/2008 17:29  

Greetings Scarlette one - I live in Ponte so may see you around Squires sometime. If you need a lift to one of the meets, let me know.

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geoffb2005 @ 11/05/2008 17:47  

Welcome back Scarlet :-) wish I lived close to Squires, would be there every weekend if I was !!

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Nutkin68 @ 11/05/2008 17:57  

geoffb2005 - cheers for the offer i may have to take you up on that :) nothing worse than turning up to the squires in a slightly battered fiesta (poor thing gets driven like its a bike) Nutkin - I didn't realize how close my new place was till the letting agent showed it to me nearly chewed her hand off to get the keys when i realized, just a shame theres no garage and the house isn't big enough to park a bike in lol

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ScarletKiss @ 11/05/2008 18:51  

welcome back scarlet ... sooooo jealous of your new place lol i go reg to squires let me no if you want to meet there

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nina @ 26/05/2008 16:49  

heeey welcome back! And Sherburn-in-Elmet must be the poshest name in England.

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Matt @ 27/05/2008 12:38  

Welcome back Scarlett!! Matt, I think the best name of a place in this country is "No Place", or if yout near Durham, how about "Pity Me"?? !!!

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FlameRed @ 10/08/2008 05:30  

hi Scarlett, I`m in Harrogate so maybe i should get my self down the road to squires now that i`ve got the new toy, would offer to collect you but have only just passed test so am a bit to wobbly to risk anything breakable on the back, need to get out and practice with a sack of spuds or maybe look in classifieds see if anyone is selling a crash test dummy, but if any one fancys meeting at squires i would love to come but feel a bit of an idiot going on my own (yes i am julie no mates,none with a bike that is!)

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julie j @ 10/08/2008 06:10  

Hi Scarlett,I'm only in Ripon and go to squires quite often can pick up on the way,and i can meet you in Harrogate Julie so your not on your own see you have got one mate

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Deleted Member @ 25/02/2009 17:49  

............well some are coming back and others are going, guess alot of regular movement is only to be expected on sites such as this - so "hello" to the newbies and goodbye to those I have known to speak to as my membership is ending soon and it's time for me to move on now too! A New Year redundancy means a new job on the horizon so alot of changes and challenges ahead for me again. As all work and no play upsets the balance I've sorted this via joining a local HD chapter to ensure I continue to meet more new biking friends and still have lots of fun this year, no matter what it brings. I hope to be joining them on their rideouts and rallies as well as being one of the Ladies of Harley enjoying my cream tea! I may well meet some of you again on my travels but it's ttfn, love to all, best wishes for the future and thanks Matt for BM and all it's taught and brought the laughs Ive had! Take care all, play nicely as always and au revoir Sandy xx

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Deleted Member @ 03/03/2009 19:09  

Us lot, play nicely??

See you on the road and good luck.

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Wills @ 03/03/2009 19:42  

welcome back hun

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Deleted Member @ 08/03/2009 09:29  

 Posts: 13       Pages: 1/1

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