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Mirror Signal Manouver?

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Mirror Signal Manouver?

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Yes it was a serious question duns and thanks for that but I'm not sure why we need to call a quick look over a shoulder a 'lifesaver' other than the chance it may save your life

TM, great advice, its obviously really important to look in the car to read the situation as well as what's going on around it and you!

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RustyKnight @ 07/08/2009 18:05  

I always indicate, and do the lifesafer look. It's a habit - whether necessary or not. No big deal - but just maybe, just maybe, it will save your life. And if it takes up a little time, and I miss my opportunity to overtake, I can live with it, and still live to overtake later. I live to ride, and still live

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Deleted Member @ 07/08/2009 19:09  

cars have 'body language'the way its being driven stop start up yer arse accelarating to fast,goin to slow[nervous Nelly!!]all over the place etc you can spot them[by lookin well ahead] an stay clear be wary etc of them!you get the feeling somethings 'not right'with some cars you know how they should be driven an can spot eratic behaviour, this comes with years of experiance of driving cars and riding bikes,

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tangoman60 @ 07/08/2009 19:18  

That's a good point XK but Geoff is saying the hesitation taken up by looking over your shoulder and indicating could implant you in the car you're about to overtake so what's best, indicate, look, overtake or quick check and go for it??

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RustyKnight @ 07/08/2009 19:19  

When I'm coming up behind someone in a tin box, if there's plenty of space to take him without causing anyone else to change course or speed I won't use me blinkies. I'll use me mirrors,.. but just to make sure there's no-one on a plastic maggot approaching from behind at Mach 2. I'm usually going faster than most of the tin boxes anyway so its all over and I'm past em and on me way fairly soon. I allways have me headlight on and when the tin box drivers see me a lot of em get over a foot or so anyway,.. it's the ones that sit smack in the middle of the lane with both hands firmly on the top of the wheel that you need to watch out for, they'll be paying more attention to the sat-nav than their mirrors! As for the life-savers,... just don't look back while travelling forwards,.. get your mirrors moved so you can see with em or get a wide angle thing to stick on to em from Halfords,.. the ST's mirrors are a bit crap for coverage, especially when coming down slip roads. If your looking back, you won't see the first signs that the tin-box in front is slowing until it's too late and your going to get hurt.

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Paj1369 @ 07/08/2009 19:25  

When i learned to ride (quite some time ago..ahem) the golden rule was: mirror, signal, LIFESAVER, manouver... I understand Geoffs point, but i have never lost the habit and wouldnt want to, I do it whether i am riding, driving or pillion!

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feistygirl @ 07/08/2009 19:29  

i do glance back after nearly colliding with a sport bike who was'nt there when i checked mirror!!boy was he goin some!!! but then i pootle along enjoying the view!!

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tangoman60 @ 07/08/2009 19:29  

Good advice TM, i'm great at reading other cars from my car but less inclined to think the same with 150 neddies and 0-60 in less than 3 under my arse! I often close in on a car then rely on sheer power and good luck as opposed to the 'lets think about this situation' as i'm sure many newcomers do, or am I all alone in this thinking??

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RustyKnight @ 07/08/2009 19:31  

Feistyg,.. have you noticed if you just use the 'life-saver' when your setting off? If you do, your going slower than everyone else around you and the greatest threat to you is coming at you from behind, and that's what the l/s is supposed to help with,.. to stop you getting hit from the rear. If you use it on the road while travelling at normal speed, not excessive either, say just to see if the right hand lane is clear to move into for an overtake, because your lane is going slower than you want to go. Have you ever thought that the reason for the slow speed in your lane, might cause the driver in front to break sharp just when your looking back! When I was taught to drive, and don't ask when,... I was taught to never look back while moving forwards,... do it before setting off.

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Paj1369 @ 07/08/2009 19:46  

i am thinkin way back what i might do based on what i can see happening way ahead[and behind!],plus reading the road[is there a junction ahead!] not just when i get near the car

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tangoman60 @ 07/08/2009 19:47  

Paj I was taught to never look back while moving forwards But what if someone is moving forward faster than u ? U is gonna pull out right in front o them. I think u bin lucky so far. Plse reconsider.

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Deleted Member @ 07/08/2009 20:18  

Paj, i'm pleased to think that I do only look back before setting off and tend only to look to my right before moving into that lane. I do usually glance in the mirror before indicating or overtaking and I think that most car drivers do the same but are looking for other cars! Headlights on certainly helps and i think getting the overtake over with as quickly as possible is probably one of the best reasons for bikes being so quick!!

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RustyKnight @ 07/08/2009 20:24  

When I come out onto dual carriageways or any other road while moving, I speed up so I'm coming into the lane just a bit faster than the closest car,.. so the first threat is in front, were I am looking, so it is never a problem. If there is no cars in front of me until the end of the slip road I'll maybe look back/across, but VERY rarely,... and at only half a dozen junctions in the country that I can think of at the moment.

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Paj1369 @ 07/08/2009 20:32  

Experienced riders can always make their own judgements My advice to newbies is to always double-check. Always ride within your own capabilities. Ride safe, ride safely.

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Deleted Member @ 07/08/2009 20:47  

As a newbie speaking *ahem*

It's good to hear different views from different people and to take on board the different approaches they take. In reality this helps someone to make the best decision in the circumstances and it's why we love our bikes! Isn't that bit of danger what it's all about??

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RustyKnight @ 07/08/2009 20:55  

well this is about 6 hours after the event,still on irish time but paj, what is a plastic maggot made me laugh what ever it is!

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julie j @ 07/08/2009 21:02  

I am not talking about an excessive amount of looking back paj.. i am talking about a quick glance, and it has saved me on a couple of occasions.. once like TM.. superfast wazzock comin down the outside of me in a big hurry!! All mirrors have blind spots and I dont rely on them to tell me everything because human nature is involved with other drivers/riders. Everyone has there own way of driving/riding, as long as we all get there safely, use what works for you!

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feistygirl @ 07/08/2009 21:02  

As a newbie, u shud ride wiv a large margin of error. As u gain experience, this margin disminishes. But never ever let it disappear entirely.

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Deleted Member @ 07/08/2009 21:05  

Err,... 'plastic maggot'!! Just think of any sports bike that can't seem to go slower than 130!! You know the type of rider too,.... head down, arse in the air and wearing a multi-coloured romper suit!!!!!!! These bikers can usually only go 10 miles between sore arse, wrist, arm, shoulder and back ache breaks.

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Paj1369 @ 07/08/2009 21:42  

Don't exaggerate Paj - 5 miles max

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Deleted Member @ 07/08/2009 21:50  

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