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Motorcycle Events & Rides Out

Reclaim Wales

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Reclaim Wales

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I've googled it Kwak n it's a monthly book just like Readers Digest lol

*The following people have have indicated they will be at this event:*

Can someone edit this, feels like i'm stutterin every time I read it on the events page!

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RustyKnight @ 20/08/2009 21:35  

That'll be one for Matt, I'm sure he can do it in a trice.

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Wills @ 20/08/2009 21:49  

pond easy i am colour co-ordinated black leather jacket black t-shirt black jeans black boots don't think iam a t**t though

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punkdude @ 20/08/2009 22:12  

Valid argument PD...

Plus one of the bikes is black.
With red wheels.
Which co-ordinates lovely with my red n black boots


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Wannabe @ 20/08/2009 22:41  

mixed feelings on this one,i'm usually quick to show my support for a 'good cause' and have been involved in some fairly successful protests,which can work by the way.Not sure MCN have there facts straight on this one tho.Although i will not publicly dis a fellow biker(i am a friendly after all)i know the type of chappie you refer to and would have to agree that they do attract the wrong kind of attention.

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Deleted Member @ 21/08/2009 00:02  

I never thought of that PD and WB! I must be one too then,although I'd still be a tw@ no matter what Co-habiting Mr Rusty?What sort of bloke do you think I am? lol

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pondlife @ 21/08/2009 01:04  

I was at the local MAG meeting and this was a topic od discussion too, I must say that two things came to light in that meeting, Brunstom has stood down but his replaicement as as bad (anti biker) as his previous boss, "was probably so far up his bosses ass the it was difficult to see where 1 finished and the other started" The other thing was MAG central had not at that point been asked on their thoughts ref the "Invasion", in Wales they actually want "all motorcycles" banned from public parks (meaning any national park) now to me that in it's self is discimination of a minority group AGAIN.......

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Hull750Rider @ 21/08/2009 11:18  

Annother thing mentioned was every time a bike is pulled over for a spurrious stop and check, we should all ask for the officers number and tell him you want to make an official complaint "that you are being singled out as a minority", this will have two effects i'll un nerve the copper involved as he'll know he then has to be investigated at the cost of around £2500 each time this is done, it should hopefully have the same effect as a puffa fish displying it's thorns and make us less a pallitable "easy target". The cost of all these "investigations" will have to be justified by the police auth involved. Hopefully having the effect of them getting on with their real jobs of catching motorcycle theives and the rest of the "proper jobs".

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Hull750Rider @ 21/08/2009 11:26  

mmmmmm,kinda agree with your comments Hull,but would just like to point out that the plod on the ground is just an ordinary working man,same as the rest of us.He has his orders from above and his personal opinion dosen't come into it.Don't think its a good thing to make anyone nervous for just doing his job.

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Deleted Member @ 21/08/2009 13:25  

I agree with Cassie here Hull. The other thing is that a very quick check could show how many people that copper pulled over that week and what percentage of these were bikers. Given the much larger percentage of vehicles on the road that aren't bikes, even as much as 40% of those pulled over being bikes would have cause for a proper investigation. However, if it showed, as I suspect it would, that bikes are only a very small percentage, then that would clearly and quickly show that he isn't targetting bikes. Besides, if you're just being pulled over for a spot check and you know that both you and your bike are perfectly legal, why worry? Why not just be polite and wait for the copper to do his checks and then be on his way? I've been pulled over for doing over 80mph through Snowdonia and got off with a telling off, so I ain't gonna complain. I have however seen the well publisised horse box on one trip, but pretty much every motorist coming the other way was flashing me, so I went past at a nice steady 58mph, smiling directly at the copper as I did lol! I was tempted to wave as well but thought that may be pushing my luck.

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geoffb2005 @ 21/08/2009 14:03  

A couple of points I'd like to make.

From what I've managed to gather this is not just your usual biker paranoia. This is a concerted effort by North Wales Police to force bikes out of North Wales and out of the National Parks, a policy that is unlikely alter with a change of management.

Remember as a kid, if you played more than two feet away from your front door, being yelled at to 'go play down your own end of the street, we don't want your sort round here'. That is effectively what North Wales Police are doing to us now and we weren't doing anything illegal then and we're not doing anything illegal now.

If the only ones who turn up for this are the colour coordinated tw@ts riding like pillocks then all that is going to do is reinforce their prejudices and justify bringing in even more Draconoian measures.

I'm not planning on riding like a pillock and certainly not planning on doing anything illegal, just going for a nice quiet ride round North Wales and if there are enough going who think and act like this maybe we can alter a few peoples percerptions.

A good way of doing this is through their wallets.If local business' could be made to see that they could be losing a potential major source of revenue then they'd be straight onto the forces that be to change this anti-biker policy.

I'm reminded of a joke.

The owner of a posh bar was horrified to see a group of bikers walk in one night.

The barman says 'what should I do?'

The owner not wanting any trouble by kicking them straight out says to the barman 'Charge them £10 a drink first round then keep on adding another £10 on top until they get the idea and leave'

He goes into the back office to do some paper work and when he comes out a few hours later he's still horrified to see the bikers still there.

'What's going on?' he asks.

the barman reply's 'They're up to £90 a drink, what should I do?'

The owner looks at him and says...

'See all those people in suits, ties and posh frocks? Kick that scum out."

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vinnie @ 21/08/2009 16:36  

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pondlife @ 21/08/2009 23:54  

Just goes to show Vinnie ..we aint all that bad are we lol ..a protest can be forceful in a civilized manner BUT it only takes a few hardliners to totally screw it up for the local riders and visitors .

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excalibur @ 22/08/2009 01:31  

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