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Very gifted at most things d.i.y (no smut intended)

Very gifted at most things d.i.y (no smut intended) (2) - Forums [Biker Match] Very gifted at most things d.i.y (no smut intended) (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Very gifted at most things d.i.y (no smut intended)

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But as you stated: "marshalls take caravans". Forget about the politics. Take my personal feelings about how shite MAG are for " bikers" rights (when they try to exclude so many bikers) away from the equation. The fact remains that I was booked to volunteer as a marshall at last year's Farmyard Party and I was told I was not permitted under any circumstances to turn up in a car. How the hell do you tow a caravan by a freakin' bike?! Like I said before: it must simply be one rule for the favoured, another for the mortals. All you've said here only serves to confirm my innate distrust of MAG. So do yourself a favour and ask for permission to turn up in the hearse. I wasn't allowed to turn up by any other means than 2 wheels last year as a volunteer marshall, so check it out first before wasting good cash on petrol.

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Wannabe @ 23/05/2009 01:34  

good grief caravans at a mag do maybe at the agm the committee should vote to amalgamate with the caravan club and form tag as well tricycle action group then thats the monstrous trikes towing caravans and marshalls taken care of as an aside i have helped with set up at the old kent custom shows and never needed a caravan it"s either no cars no excuses not well maybe it"s ok for certain people

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punkdude @ 23/05/2009 11:51  

Not getting into this now maybe those who support or do not support mag should start a new disscussion. I started this thred to get some work and it was my mistake to add in the fact I wanted to take the hearse to Farmyard to try to sell it. (Just wanted it in as many threds as poss that were not started by others the more awareness the better my chances to sell her) I do not want to hyjack the site, just trying to survive like many others who are out of work.

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Hull750Rider @ 24/05/2009 11:12  

Got to agree with WB and Kev on this. MAG members i've met turn there nose up at chop riders and we got more to lose than they have. Nope,not a supporter either. Not into snobbery.

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Deleted Member @ 25/05/2009 12:06  

have to agree with ricdude that there is an inverted snobery in mag towards chop and custom riders and towards patch clubs i still haven"t forgotten neil liversidges diatribe in B.S.H against a certain club and sva tests etc are never raised as major campaign issues and size of lights indicators affect chop riders more than anybody and back to main point of mag marshalls taking cars and caravans to events if you use the slogan no cars no excuses then marshalls should be setting an example surely

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punkdude @ 26/05/2009 11:01  

On this side of the globe (South Africa) backup vehicles are allowed to drop off camping gear , normally at the entrance only once a rally has officially started ! an area outside the site is used to park these vehicles until the party's over and they can load up again . It's not recommended to arrive with bikes on a bike trailer either , you're bound to be ridiculed when doing this , it's not worth the comments or mockery

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excalibur @ 26/05/2009 12:05  

it was my mistake to add in the fact I wanted to take the hearse to Farmyard to try to sell it.

Why was it a mistake?

All I tried to do was warn you that you wouldn't be allowed to take it there, as when I was booked to marshal at this event last year I was NOT permitted to arrive by vehicle/foot.

Not willing to be a pain to a local resident by dumping my motor outside their house for 4 days and having been unable to find a pub/stable yard/etc willing to allow me to park up, I eventually decided to take the train, then phone a mate to leave the site and come to pick me up from the station by bike to take me onto the site.

I thought I was helping you out but now I discover that presumably this rule doesn't apply to all marshals anyway, as some of them use caravans... i.e. must therefore be arriving in vehicles and not on bikes.

If you're gonna have a rule, at least apply it consistently, otherwise it makes a mockery of the whole thing. (Obviously, I can accept that disabled folk can be exempted from the no bike no entry rule )

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Wannabe @ 26/05/2009 12:38  

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