Thanks Izzy and Sandi Even a ride down to the Galloway/Solway coast would be lovely Chris, some nice wee ports along the way, Port Patrick is bonnie - roll on the spring
On the way back up, i'd be happy to put on some food before folk ride home (if it's up the 77)
Now there's an offer! Only ridden down to Kippford on the Solway and then inland east from there so it would be good do a coastal ride, and the 77 gets me back to my neck of the woods so count me in for that if I'm free.
I made it to Kyle of Lochalsh riding pilly on an Applecross visit but never crossed the bridge - would love to go back and tick that box so will look out for a date. Not too sure that I'll keep up with the pace required to do it all in a day, need to get out and practice some twisties.
Sadly no sign of spring yet - it's all gone in retreat.
Did someone mention free food ? Never had the bike down to Solway coast so that would be good (epecially with free food on way back ) and a trip to Skye is always amazing .About to return to work so hope I'm free