Have been having very bad toothache since Thursday, so finally decided to go to the emergency dental hospital on Monday.... after a 3 hour sit they proceded to numb my face and remove my tooth. I then went straight back to work and could only think of one thing EATING CHOCOLATE... as I'm sitting chewing on a square of cadburys, out of the corner of my mouth, with my head tilted, the Secretaries whom I work with started shouting at me "you shouldn't eat that, thats what caused your toothache in the first place"
Got me to thinking has anyone else been told you shouldn't eat that cause its bad for you and have gone on to eat it anyway?
<!--6e052d28b1806771e2d163a041d4a5d4-->I'll eat anything, dont care if its bad for me or not, except for Brussel sprouts now they are the food of the devil
polo mints are bad, along with other mints, cos you tend to "store" them for as long as you can between your gums and your teeth, therefore creating cavities along the cervical margins on the buccal surfaces of mainly posterior teeth!!!!
okay then littlechick, heres one for you. dentists recommend flossing so i do it at least once a week and a couple of weeks a go it knocked a tiny chunk from the base of one of my front teeth. how is that good for my teeth? lol
did you have a filling there originally? I suspect your front teeth are filled to some extent, the floss would have dislodged a filling that was either loose or needed replacing, flossing is good, it helps prevent halitosis. flossing cannot fracture healthy teeth, so your teeth are compromised, are they not????
nope, it was right down on the gumline, on the bottom set, front right hand incisor, i brush twice a day, have plenty of calcium in my diet, very little sugar or fruit, i don't smoke and floss with a thread which claims to be from the same family of fibers as kevlar. lol. though i admit that i haven't seen my dentist since i was in school and my teeth have probably suffered accordingly. lol.
..has anyone else been told you shouldn't eat that cause its bad for you and have gone on to eat it anyway?
Mm not so much 'told', I've got I B S so I try to avoid certain foods such as spicy stuff and I shouldn't eat chocolate, cos they aggravate it.
Docs reckon those with I B S shouldn't eliminate too much from their diets as they also eliminate the good things. We can't win.
I was going to my sister's for Christmas dinner but she's developed toothache and has to go to the dentist, she's terrified of dentists, she needs sedating just to sit in the waiting room. As she is so terrified she will probably have to go to the hospital to be treated. Aww bless.
BTW, flossing should be done EVERY DAY. It's not just the amount of times you brush/floss but *HOW you do it, I discovered I hadn't been flossing properly for many years, until this new dentist showed me how. Now I'm plaque-free and rarely have fillings but due to my age my gums are receeding. Grr to getting older lol
I chew sugar-free gum a lot and I believe that has helped keep my teeth clean too.
*don't scrub at your gums cos they are delicate. Gentle pressure should be enough.
Yes, gums can get a bit neglected,then they bleed and get neglected even more cos people think they're brushing them too much!! The more you brush, the less they bleed!!.Many people get a build up of tartar,even though they brush quite adequately, this is because the make up of their saliva is such that their teeth fur up like scale at the bottom of a kettle.Quite often these people do not have much active decay due to the alkaline content of the saliva."Acidic" people err on the side of cavities, but have little or no build up of tartar,this is a generalisation as many of us have a balance of acid and alkaline and have cavities and tartar. Your immune system also plays a huge part in oral health and chronic infections can suddenly erupt at times of stress e.g holidays, christmas etc. AUG ( acute ulcerative gingivitis) is the bane of many a stressed student and can have a catastrophic effect on bone levels, the patient dribbles, cannot talk much and has a general malaise ( not to be mistaken with excess alcohol intake lol ) A swab taken at this time will show 'orrible crawly bugs!! and must be treated with specific antibiotics. I could go on but i'm boring myself!!! lol