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Paint jobs

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Paint jobs

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Ok - I'm a man. And as we all know we are not genetically designed to admit when we cant do something. But (now this might shock some of you) there are times when we actually do need to admit defeat. I say NEED to - whether we actually DO is a different matter. In my case I have a rather old but perfectly sound Suzuki GSX1100f which when I got it was scraped banged and dented to hell and back. Apparantly its previous owner had narcolepsy..... I leave the rest to your imagination. Anyway I have attempted respraying the tank and the fairings and tho it looks passable in a dark stree on a moonless night, in daylight it is let down. Does anyone have any tips for making a better job of it or is the only answer to go to a spray shop? And if thats the case, does anyone know what is a reasonable price so I dont get ripped off?

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dazpants @ 20/03/2007 21:46  

i'll ask around hun................

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Di @ 21/03/2007 13:59  

I think a pro job is in order if you want it looking really nice.Its not a case of stick a few coats on and a bit of lacquer and your away it needs proper primering and then there are tinted lacquers and i dont know much about it but i tried doing my ZZR o/s fairing and have to admit defeat and its gonna cost 150 quid to do it properly so there ya go..

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Deleted Member @ 21/03/2007 14:16  

Matt black it with a paintbrush that always gives me the desired effect MY mate has a spray shop in Warrington and hes a damn fine sprayer, can do art work aswell, no idea how much it will cost u but if u are interested drop me a message and I can give u his number

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Bikerjulia @ 21/03/2007 14:36  

i too might need help... scratched all my fairing to bits when cleaning it roughly. Tiny fine scratches everywhere... im well gutted cos its a newish perfect looking blackbird (Or WAS! lol)

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Matt @ 21/03/2007 16:40  

Julia - A paintbrush?? what effect was the desired effect? But I would be happy to take that number off you. Warrington is a fair way from me but theres no-one round here I'd trust, and I can at least get an idea of price.

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dazpants @ 21/03/2007 19:28  

now i know why i have a car pmsl so much easier hehehehehehe

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RC @ 22/03/2007 04:44  

matt have you tried the colour matched wax for your scratches it blended them out a fair bit on my black paintwork

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gsrider @ 22/03/2007 05:31  

The desired effect is the paintbrush Daz OK I am an old school raggy arsed biker, my idea is that why pay all the money getting it sorted when I am only gonna go through another hedge I have just spoke to Shaun the sprayer to make sure its OK to give out his number and hes cool with it, the company is called Brownlowes based in Warrington 01925 230630 Hope its OK advertising it on here, but like I say he is a bloody good sprayer, and if anyone is travelling up to see him dont forget to call in mine for a brew

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Bikerjulia @ 22/03/2007 13:42  

Ahh the old Hedge eh.Never done it myself yet but bet its AWESOME.

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Deleted Member @ 22/03/2007 13:45  

Tis normally quite a soft landing, dont head for the prickly hedges and make sure u got bright coloured boots on so people can find u. Mind I suppose there is an easier option, like slow down at bends, let me think about it, erm NAH

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Bikerjulia @ 22/03/2007 13:48  

lol Thanks Julia - I'm having one last go at it myself. I get the paint to go on ok, but the finish has been a bit naff. I get what you say about the hedge. My bike weighs four times what I do and so far I havent dropped it yet. Watch this space. But I have that number and theres a good chance I may yet give him a call.

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dazpants @ 25/03/2007 19:54  

not done it on the bike but have done it a couple of times on the horse open ya eyes to see ya trusty steed looking down from above at ya, great!!!!!

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Di @ 26/03/2007 03:06  

but as you look up di i bet the last words on ur mind are trusty

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gsrider @ 26/03/2007 04:52  

not wrong there gsrider but matt would likely ban me if i put wot i really said

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Di @ 26/03/2007 07:01  

bin through a hedge with a car turned it round mid air and landed in the middle took ages to get the ruddy ccar out cos there was a good drop the other side, had to get help with pushing it !!!! bad thing was though back window smashed and it cut me mates face was mortified about it and she was none too pleased either, last time she asked me for a lift home from the late shift !!!!!!!!!!!

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storm @ 26/03/2007 13:03  

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