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Motorcycle Events & Rides Out

Bulldog Bash reasurance

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Bulldog Bash reasurance

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Just seen this on another site: - Bulldog Bash organisers seek to reassure Bash organisers up in arms over Stop and Search tactics 4th August 2009 BULLDOG Bash Organisers are keen to reassure the public after Warwickshire Police announced a planned Stop and Search operation at this year's event.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> Organisers have protested that they were not consulted about the Police's planned actions, believing the tactics unnecessary, discriminatory and a direct attack on their lifestyle and right to free assembly.<o:p></o:p> Last week Visordown revealed how Warwickshire Police are to implement the Stop and Search Operation at the event.<o:p></o:p> From Bulldog Bash organisers:<o:p></o:p> 'We wish to offer advice to people coming to this year’s show, and to reassure you that the show itself will run as normal; we do not foresee any problems at the event – again, as normal.Please do not let this operation stop you going out and visiting Stratford, the local area and its attractions. Local businesses and residents welcome you and have shown the Bulldog Bash a lot of support.If you are stopped by the police on your way to or from the show please do not get abusive or obstructive - The Officers are just doing a job and following orders. Obstructive and abusive behavior will only play in to the hands of ACC Bill Holland and be used to justify his actions.If you do feel your rights have been violated by any action the police have taken or feel you have been intimidated, please call at the Bulldog Bash information hut on-site, where advice will be given.We again thank the biking community and the people in and around Stratford for their continued support. Yet again, we call on the police to work with us and other agencies - as they have in the past - to make sure Bulldog 23 is safe and successful.' Have a good time, all those going

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Karey @ 04/08/2009 12:56  

If stopped I was told by a biker mate ask for the Policemans name number his superiors Rank name and Number then say, You do not understand on "which point of law" you have been stopped under and ask him for a full explination of that law then if you do not understand ask him to produce the artical so you can read and fully digest the part of "pace" he has stopped you under sit in the back of his patrol veihcal and take as long as you need to read re read and read again if you still do not understand ask him to get his supervisor to come and read it for you and give you a satisfactory explination as it is your right to be fully aware of every and all points of law they have pulled you under. Just imagine if everyone stopped did this they would tie themselves up on all this harrassment (bare in mind while they are using all these resources any "real crime still must be responded too" but they cannot turn you out of a patrol car untill you are fully aware of why you have been stopped and they cannot take you anywhere unless you aggree to it or are under arrest!) Oh by the way to all and anyone reading the above written text! "I am quoting a person here and it is not my personal opinion nor can I condone how an indevidual interparates what is written in the above text!" C.Y.O.A at all times peeps!

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Hull750Rider @ 04/08/2009 13:12  

Hull i personally would'nt go out of my way to antagonize the cops , its like putting a big sign on and marking yourself for countless future problems...not being your personal opinion , i'm sure you will agree with me.

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excalibur @ 04/08/2009 14:04  

hi all, myself and friend mike were at last years bash, we went into stratford on the sat morning for a pasty, on our return just near the entrance at the lay by we got stopped, bike under a gazebo where it was searched, we were taken into 2 x sep porto cabins a and searched, we only had t shirts and jeans on ( we were on harleya - no excuse i know ) but it was clear to see we were not carrying anything......suppose we will have to come to expect this in the future.

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Deleted Member @ 04/08/2009 15:08  

C.Y.O.A at all times peeps! Hull what does C.Y.O.A. mean?

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Sandi @ 04/08/2009 16:11  

Cover Your Own Arse Kwak lol

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Hull750Rider @ 04/08/2009 16:56  

Ah righto, cheers Hull *makes note to self, buy new undies*

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Sandi @ 04/08/2009 17:01  

the best way i think to aproach the stop and search around the bulldog is to rise above it smile sweetly then let the chief constable explain 2yrs of huge costs with no results to the electorate against 23 years of filling the coffers of the traders in stratford with no major incidents

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punkdude @ 04/08/2009 21:03  

have a great time all of you lucky lot that are going to Bulldog today and yes, the sun is shining for you and I hope it continues to. Im so gutted I couldnt make it this year but a definate for next, will be with you in thought though for sure lol!! take care and ride safe

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babyharley @ 06/08/2009 11:27  

 Posts: 9       Pages: 1/1

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