has anyone seen downpipes with a heat treated/tempered look for sale at a dealer or website? im sure ive seen em for sale at a bike/tool fair but cannot for the life of me find any now i want some. any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Can always leave your bike on stand running (no air flow = blued pipes) I crashed my bike and bent the gear selector) had to ride all the way home in 1st down pipes turned blue for the 1st 8" no problem (but made my under 1000 mile two fifty look totally thrashed lol) someone with oxy acetaline gas welding kit could blue any shiny metal down pipes with a reasonable degree of accuacy too..............
i saw an advert for a exhaust which you could get pre coloured but they did warn the colour would fade after a while, sorry cannot remember which maker, was a few years ago.